cash up meaning in Chinese
- If homer wants a job done , it ' s always urgent , but he ' s not in such a hurry when it comes to cashing up for it
霍默要人干活时,总是迫不及待的;可是等到需要付钱时,他就不那么急迫了。 - Responsibility also extends to the day - to - day control of cashing up procedures as well as revenue reporting and control of cash management
工作职责同样包括日支付管理、收益报告以及现金管理。 - Investors generally use margin to increase their buying power and enjoy the trading flexibility without having to fully pay cash up front
因为可以无需预先支付购买股票的全部金额,投资者通常利用?展来增加其购买力及提升交易弹性。 - The singapore flag carrier is well cashed up and can easily afford the up - front payment , even without selling out of its 49 % holding in virgin atlantic
新航作为新加坡国有航空公司拥有充足的现金,支付前期款项完全没有问题,并且不需要出售其所持有的维珍航空49 %的股份。 - The report revived the long simmering spreculation that one or more world famous miners , cashed up on the back of rocketing metal prices , would swoop down on the small company